Composed of different layers, out of which some of them are stronger than others, a tooth withstands a lot of dental issues throughout our lives. Due to different layers, the filling that your teeth might need highly depend on the area affected.
Our restorations offered do not contain any metal elements and are conventional. We provide safer white fillings that merge with your tooth framework with less modification as compared to metal fillings. Moreover, they are absolutely devoid of mercury.
Classification of Fillings
A sturdy restoration is required to fulfil the eating demands of an individual as we tend to chew a thousand times each day. The filling which we decide is depended on your tooth. We provide,
Plastic White Fillings
A petite area which is compromised on the exterior of your teeth can be repaired with plastic white fillings.
Porcelain Fillings
Once the decay starts expanding profusely in the other layers of the teeth, it needs a tougher filling to restore it. Porcelain fillings are the best to fit in the area considering the shape of your tooth. We can customise your porcelain filling with the help of CEREC technology
Hybrid Fillings
Damaged teeth, in this case, is repaired with a fusion of resin, plastic and porcelain materials that offer efficiency and right solution.
Signs of Tooth Decay
If you have cavities, you are most likely to suffer the following symptoms,